Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Flu Season Refresher

What an amazing summer we had. The sun was shining nearly everyday! The beaches are crammed from corner to corner with families trying to cool down from the heat. But ofcourse all good things must come to and end. I hate to say it but..... the flu season is among us. People are always finding little tricks and secrets to beat the flu. It may seen like catching the flu is inevitable. There are a lot of 'out there' ideas though. For example. doing something crazy like eating a spoonful of chopped garlic every few hours,  is not my idea of "beating the flu".  I'm sure a lot of you already know a lot of easy tips to help minimize your odds. Since the flu season has just begun, a refresher is in order.
The Golden Rule
Obviously wash your hands several times a day, especially before eating or touching children and babies. Use a gentle antibacterial soap for atleast 30 seconds to a minute and rinse with warm water. Be sure to get the cracks between your fingers, wrists and finger nails. If you are strapped for time, use antibacterial gel. Although a good hand wash is always best.
Keep Active
Exercise does wonders for many different aspects in life. Not only does it keep you alert, awake, and stroooong, exercise helps build strong immunities. So put a sweater on your pooch and take a walk!. Or grab your old gym shoes and take a Zumba class at your local gym. Keep the entire family active all year round.
Wash high traffic areas and surfaces
Door knobs, telephones, handles, knobs, remotes etc... theme items are touched several times a day by yourself and your family members. A great idea is to buy an earth friendly anti bacterial cleaning wipes and give these items a good wipe every evening. Stop the spread of germs in their tracks before they end up in your system. Also very important if you have babies or toddlers, since everything ends up in their mouths.
Other tips and tricks
-Healthy Nutrition
-Good nights sleep
-Teach your child 'cough etiquette' (coughing or sneezing in a tissue, or their elbow)
-Avoid unnecessary contact with others who are sick
-Avoid public water fountains. Send your child to school with their own water bottle if you need to.
Again most of this you already know. This is a reminder and refresher, that the cold virus is here. Keep these pointers in mind all winter long.

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