Monday, November 21, 2011

How to love a snow bank

I live in the deep north of Ontario, and I don't know about you but winter is here to stay.  How do I know this? Well because it was -21 this morning, that's how! Most people, cringe at the sounds of an early morning snow plow, because this means we need to clear the snow bank left at the end of our drive way. But maybe I can change your mind, and show you the benefits of that little pile of snow.

Most people don't know this but, snow shoveling is beneficial in SO many ways.

First things first, get yourself a good sturdy shovel that you are comfortable with. It's also a good idea to get water proof gloves or mitts. Invest in a good pair, this will make the winter season so much easier (trust me). Bundle up the babies and the fur babies and GET OUT SIDE. Considering all the time we spend indoors during the winter, the fresh air will do you good.  The kids can help, the dog can help, make it a family fun time!

Did you know the average person burns over 250 calories an hour shoveling snow? This is almost the same as playing a vigorous sport. So not only are you, cleaning up the drive way, bonding with your family and working on your fitness, but you are also getting an amazing back work out. Having a strong back/core can reduce your risk of injuries, improve posture, increase energy and so much more. Remember keeping active and following a healthy balanced diet can decrease your risk of getting sick this winter.

I like to shovel right after breakfast, get it done and over with. After being in the fresh air and working up a sweat, I feel rejuvenated and ready to tackle my day. My energy levels are sky high and I sleep like a baby at night. (oh and my drive way is cleared!)
So next time you see that little snow bank at the end of your drive way, smile because a great opportunity, has almost literally knocked at your door!


1 comment:

  1. Amazing post! We don't get as much snow as Timmins here in Toronto but there are snowbanks to clear at the end of the driveway and the drive way itself. I didn't know it could be this beneficial. - Sara
