Monday, November 14, 2011

Attention Christmas Shopoholics

Tis' the season for crowded malls, frustrated shoppers and eager sales people. That's right, Christmas shopping time is here! Oh god, I LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR! Most people actually dread it and stay clear of shopping centers. I feel the complete opposite. I will find any excuse to hit a store this time of year, even if I am not buying anything, I love to get ideas, enjoy the decor and ofcourse the MUSIC! (I am baffled as to why most people despise Christmas music)
For those of you who do not like Christmas shopping this article is NOT for you. My suggestion,, or eBay lol.
Now for those of you who are caaaaa-razy for holiday shopping, please continue reading...

The budget is obviously the first thing we will start with. Figure what you can spend (for the entire holidays) and make out lists of how much money will go where, ex) gifts, decor, wrapping, food, travel etc... Once you've established your budget you can move onto the list.

I like to keep my lists pretty vague, (unless someone specifically told me what they wanted). By keeping my list vague, I can spend ample amount of time browsing through stores for inspiration.  My list is more like a guideline, basically will have a name and the max amount of dough I'm looking to spend on them. This process will usually last weeks, until each person has their PERFECT gift. I have already started my the browsing stage, not going to lie, I LOVE IT!

Malls will be jam packed this time of year, if possible try and visit the malls in the early mornings to avoid heavy traffic. Saturday's and Sunday's are the most chaotic days. It's so thrilling for me to visit the malls, I love all the festive decor, music, vendors, and sometimes even live bands. Make sure to stop and visit Santa for a treat and photo. If you don't have kiddies, taking a break from shopping to watch the kids talk to Santa can put a smile on your face.

The best place to stock up on wrapping paper, bows, scotch tape, chocolates, candy, cards, ribbon, ornaments, stickers etc. $20 should be plenty to get all the wrapping supplies you need. The Dollar Store is where I buy all my stocking stuffers.

I know last minute shopping is kind've reserved for the "Procrastinators, or Shopping Haters", but I've come across AMAZING deals shopping on Christmas Eve. Most stores will slash their prices on that final holiday shopping day. Not a bad idea to take a glimpse. You may be able to afford that necklace for Mom you've been eyeing all season.

Going backwards, this is the day I buy my decor and wrapping supplies. Big box stores like Wal Mart and Zellers will immediately put these items on clearance. I bring them home, back them up and use them for next year. Prices are on clearance for up to 90%!
Don't spend more than you are able to, you will regret it come the new years. Stay within your means! Always shop on a full stomach, to avoid frustration and impatience. Bring a friend, or family member, make a day of it. Enjoy every single moment, because this time only comes once a year.
