Friday, November 04, 2011

Hairstyle File

If you're like anything like me, you don't like to spend too much time on your hair. However, looking like you walked through a hurricane isn't something you want either. I've had my share of bad hair days and I've also had my share of no time to do anything with your hair so I guess I'll throw it up in a messy, unkept, twisting pony tail thing.

Well I found a solutions ladies!

This is one the best hairstyles I have ever come across. THE BEST! I do it all the time and I don't need anything but an old sock! That's right you read it here! Just a sock.

It's called the Sock Bun. I do all the time for work, going out with friends, weddings, after the shower and before heading into bed.

Check out the video below on how to do this amazing hair style.

It's easy and it takes seconds to do.

- Sara xox

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